Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Larry Sullivan, you will be missed among us

Larry Sullivan, longtime member of the Bloomington 7th Ward, passed peacefully into eternity on Sunday, February 7, 2021 as the result of complications from several health issues.  He leaves behind his beloved wife Monika. The following was written in May 2018 by Raymond Lowe as Larry's introduction to the B7 Ward priesthood members.


Lawrence Jay Sullivan was born on April 6,1949 (an auspicious date indeed as he shares his birthday with the Church and with Jesus!).  He was raised in Murray, UT and loved growing up in his strong Irish family. He always had a testimony of the Church and has always been active. He graduated from Murray High School where he was active in sports and activities playing two-way in football and even handled kicking on occasion. After high school he attended Utah State for one year and thought seriously about studying to become a lawyer. Larry left on his mission to the England South Mission in 1971 where he served under Wallace Bennett. 


He enjoyed his mission and upon returning home but before re-entering college, he got very involved in the area of physical fitness and body building, as well as construction. This led to a lifetime interest in martial arts, both as instructor and competitor. Larry became so involved, this became his vocation as well as avocation as he became one of the leaders of this burgeoning field. 


He later built and owned the largest fitness club and gymnasium in Utah, American Health and Sports Center in Murray, with his business partner Larry Scott, a fellow Mormon from Idaho he met in competition and had become close friends. His business partner Larry Scott later became Mr. America, Mr. Universe, and Mr. Olympiad and was the role model for many future stars including “Arnold!" Larry Sullivan spent over 20 years building interest in the sport and industry and owned and built several clubs and facilities in the intermountain area. One of his favorite stories is how he and a number of his associates were asked to ride on a float at the “Days of ‘47” parade posing as Helaman and the Stripling Warriors. This float and its riders won the award as “Fan Favorite”!


After many years as a leader and competitor in this growing health and fitness arena, Larry turned his interest and talents to an area where he has had considerable success, writing and publishing. He goes by the pen name of Poet Lawrence Jay Sullivan and has published numerous magazine articles and books. Larry has spent the last 30 years building websites and publishing after his initial training at the hands of Ray Goldrupt who was the screen writer for the book and movie “Windwalker.” Another of Larry’s books is titled “Promised Land - Holy Land: Book of Mormon Geography.”


Larry married the lovely Monika in the Salt Lake Temple in 1976. They have no children except those hundreds of former students and trainees Larry and Monika consider their family. They first moved to Santa Clara but have now lived in Bloomington for the past six years. Elders Quorum Instructor and teaching Gospel Doctrine have been among his favorite callings. He and Monika are collectors and are always on the hunt for books, especially Church History and other interesting ephemera. They love interesting cars and plan to do more traveling as they unwind their real estate portfolio. Another writing project is titled “Star Miracle," and relates the true story of the three wisemen and the star of Nazareth. 


Brother Sullivan’s wit and wisdom, as well as his excellent teaching skills and powerful testimony, is missed among the members of the Bloomington 7th Ward.  Rest in peace, dear Brother Sullivan.


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